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Open to diversity in communication for all

Erasmus+ Project | Ref: 2023-2-IT01-KA210-VET-000179160



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INSTAGRAM  @open4all_project
LINKED IN  @open4all



People with disabilities face significant barriers in various areas, including health care, education, employment, recreation and political participation, resulting in greater risks of poverty and social exclusion. Moreover, a significant percentage of PWID report experiencing personal discrimination.

These challenges underline the need for interventions that improve accessibility and promote inclusion.

The project aims to fill this gap by equipping health, education and support service providers with essential AAC tools. By incorporating new learning and teaching methods, the projects not only promotes inclusion and diversity (Horizontal priority), but also aligns with the needs of vocational education and training (VET), responding to the demands of the labour market.

Through targeted interventions, the project aims to empower professionals to minimise barrier to accessibility and promote the full participation of PWID and persons with CCN, thus contributing to a more inclusive society and labour market.



The project’s objectives will be:

1) To promote the social inclusion of PWID and CCN, by enhancing their active role and participation in society
2) To improve the knowledge of professionals working with PWID and CCN and the competences and skills on Augmentative and Alternative Communication with the ultimate goal of being the bridge between people with CCN and casual partners dealing with CCN on a daily basis and become “AAC specialist”
3) To increase the participation and autonomy in daily activities of people with CCN



The main activities are:
1) Identification and sharing of good practices
2) Creation of training materials and the AAC Toolkit, to transmit information and to be able to teach operators, occasional partners and people in contact with PWID and CCN.
3) Transnational Project Meeting in Italy, to evaluate the progress and the possible implementation of the project.
4) Final meetings in Italy and in Spain.



The results we expect are:
1) PWID and CCN will gain increased self confidence and autonomy in their communication
2) Professionals are anticipated to develop advanced skills in utilizing AAC strategies.
3) Valuable AAC resources will be widely available and accessible for ongoing use
4) Long-term practices and resources will be implemented to ensure continuous support for all involved stakeholders
5) Promote collaboration on a transnational level